Computer Animation AssignmentsSylllabus • STANDARDS • standards scheduleFLASH LESSONS
Flash Lesson 1: Getting Acquainted Students will learn how to: create a file; adjust Stage settings; add layers; import images; move and reposition objects; work with panels; use the Tools panel; and preview Flash animation. Flash Lesson 2: Working with Graphics Students will learn how to: draw shapes; understand the differences between drawing modes; modify objects; understand fill and stroke; make symmetrical patterns; create curve; apply gradients and transparencies; group elements; and create and edit text. Flash Lesson 3: Creating and Editing Symbols Students will learn how to: import Illustrator and Photoshop files; create symbols; edit symbols; instances vs. symbols; transparency and color; blending effects; special effects w/ filters; and 3D space. Flash Lesson 4: Adding Animation Students will learn how to: animate, to position, scale and rotate objects; adjust timing; animate transparencies and special effects; change motion path; animate inside symbols, change motion easing; and 3D space. Flash Lesson 5: Articulated Motion and Morphing Student will learn how to: animate armatures with multiple linked movie clips; constrain joints; animate armatures w/ shape; and morph organic shapes w/ shape tweens;